
March 29, 2024

Breaking Boundaries: Erin Gallagher Offers a Glimpse Inside the Hype Women Movement

In the whirlwind of today's digital age, where viral moments can shape destinies and spotlight voices, few have experienced such a surge quite like Erin Gallagher. Her journey from advocacy to amplification has been one paved with dedication and a fierce commitment to inclusivity. Now, coming off the heels of a viral moment of recognition and appreciation from Jamie Lee Curtis, our Editor, Stephanie LaFlora, spoke with Erin, following her SXSW talk where we provided coverage. In our conversation, we delve into the groundwork behind her meteoric rise and the essence of the Hype Women Movement that's capturing hearts and minds across the nation.

Stephanie: It’s not every day that you get a viral moment to propel your message and career, the way Jamie Lee Curtis has done for you in the past few weeks. Any moment like this is always preceded by hard work and preparation. What’s the work you’ve been doing to prepare you for this moment?

Erin: I have always been a person fighting for those who are historically excluded. My very first job out of college was at Service members Legal Defense Network (SLDN). Our entire mission was to lift the ban on gays in the military — which we ultimately did.

I’m a two-time founder whose work is mission-driven and focused on intersectional gender equity. Along with incredible partners, I wrote the global DEI strategy for McDonald's in the summer of 2020, particularly focused on retaining women... created and launched the Career Breaks product for LinkedIn, de-stigmatizing "resume gaps" most negatively impacting women. I designed the Women's Strategy for Carhartt, a 130+ year old, fifth generation, family-owned business... have hosted 20 Fairway Dinners and two Hype Women events for 600 women in six markets over 18 months (bootstrapped and self-funded), increasing their collective wealth by more than $8M.

I launched the Hype Women Podcast on Women's Equality Day, sharing the voices and stories of women on the front lines disrupting systems. The Hype Women Movement grew out of a moment between Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh. But those seeds had been planted, watered and tended to long before. Jamie is saying my name in rooms where I'm not (on The View, The Today Show and The Kelly Clarkson Show). She understands that Hype Women is a noun, but it's also a verb. It's an energy and a way of being.

Stephanie: There isn’t always a hype woman there to cheer you on. How do you hype yourself up when no one is there to do it?

Erin: I do a lot of visualizing. I imagine the best possible outcome — the version of my greatest success — and I work towards that. Like so many others, I’m having *lots* of conversations with myself — about myself — in my head. I’m working very intentionally to be kinder with those internal monologues. Because you cannot hype other women authentically if you don't first hype yourself.

Erin Gallagher, alongside panelist at SXSW 2024 talk. Moxie Media.

Stephanie: You’re a serious advocate for women in all spaces. And now, you’re sitting in many of the spaces where women have been denied. What have you learned or observed in this season?

Erin: Women’s bodily autonomy is a core tenet of humanity. Any attempt to control, limit and remove our power and control over our own damn bodies is part of a strategic playbook designed to dehumanize us, devalue our existence, make us feel that we are worth less. I do not accept those narratives. The marketing campaigns of the anti-choice movement that have warped the truth that abortion is healthcare into conversations about religion and politics are really just misogyny masquerading as morality. Regardless of whether a person is pro-choice or anti-choice, they are an abortion beneficiary. Period.

Stephanie: How can readers support the hype movement?


1. Check out the Hype Women Podcast: listen, share, rate and recommend wherever you listen to podcasts the most.

2. Take one action every day to Hype Women: repost a story about another woman, engage with her content, buy her products, purchase her services, use #HypeWomen when you post on social.

3. Join us on The Fairway: our membership, app and dinners are building generational wealth for women and accelerating them into positions of power and influence.

As our conversation with Erin draws to a close, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the Hype Women Movement isn't just a call to action; it's a revolution in the making. From boardrooms to podcasts, Erin's message resounds, urging us all to be our own champions and lift others along the way. So, dear readers, let's heed her call. Let's amplify, uplift, and champion one another, because in doing so, we not only empower ourselves but pave the path for generations to come.

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